Crossroads Baptist Church celebrated their 10yr anniversary on Sunday with a special afternoon session where we were blessed to have Pastor Mark Hodges from Winter Haven Baptist Church bring us the message God laid on his heart. WHBC, along with the Florida Baptist Bible Fellowship, was instrumental in the formation of CRBC 10 years ago. They gratuitously supported us with funding and prayers during the early years.
The regular morning service was followed by a luncheon on the grounds and the the special 2:30 service with Pastor Hodges. We saw our highest attendance of the year during the morning service. Left to right in the picture Pastor Jay McCaig, Vee McCaig, Denise Hodges, Pastor Mark Hodges.
why did god make earth. the bible teaches us that god knows every thing, also tells us that every one has a choice to be saved or not be saved,right.god knew adam and eve would fall and he knows when the earth will he also knew about all the people that would not accept him and go to hell, why did he do it?Why would he put all those people into hell.he knows who is going to hell before their even we dont have a choice because if we change gods "plan" that would make god a how do you get to heaven?Why would he make hell?he already knows whos going why even let them be born if hes just going to send them to hell?there are billions of people in hell because it was gods choice not ours.he knew and still let it happen.why honer someone like that.suppose to be a just and fair god. how is that fair.
Thank you for your comments. You raise a number of good questions. You are obviously a deep thinker and analytical thinker, I wish you had left you name and a way of contacting you because I think I would enjoy talking with you about spiritual matters. I will try and answer some of your questions as space permits.
You are correct that God did create everything and is all knowing. It is not always possible for us and our limited intelligence to understand everything about God. But He does reveal many things to us that may help answer some of your questions. First it is never God’s Will that anyone should die and go to hell. The problem as described in Romans 3:23 is that we have all chosen to sin and separate ourselves from God. Being Holy God can not allow anything sinful into heaven. But being perfect and just God has made a simple and perfect plan for us to be able to be freed from our sin. God left heaven and took on the form of man and lived a sinless life. Being the perfect man and God he was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. When Jesus laid down his life on the cross he did it for you so that you would not have to go to hell but could enter into heaven without sin. God never sends anyone to hell; we end up there because we refuse to accept the payment that he made for us over 2000 years ago. Romans 10:9: says “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” This simple plan is available to everyone. No one is ever predestined to hell, everyone that ends up in hell goes there contrary to Gods plan and will. Won’t you ask him today to forgive you of your sins and accept him as your Savior? I accepted Him when I was a child and have had the assurance that He was with me through every right and wrong turn I have taken in my life. I can not imagine trying to navigate the pitfalls of this life without Him, I would love to talk to you more about this please call me at 407-891-8688, email me at or stop by the church so we can discuss further. I care about you and I am praying for you.
But he did know before he created us that many people would go to hell.and knew about every one of them and their why did he do it knowing that.its not really fair him knowing each person who will get into the kingdom or to hell.god send these people to hell long before he created how isnt it his will.yes it says that in the bible,but sorry but you havent answered any of my questions yet.and ive heard the gosple already im just waiting to get the awnser to my questions before i make a decicion.i do my research.most of the churches ive studied are fake and dont make a whole lot of please try to answer this.
I answered every questioned you asked. We do not need to understand God in order to accept the free gift he has offered. Being finite creatures it is not possible for us to ever fully understand an infinite Creator. But God has made crystal clear the things we need to know to not only to receive salvation but to also live a victorious Christian life. Are you really willing to refuse the Gospel, a free gift from God, because you have unanswered philosophical questions whose answers do not affect your past, present or future situation?
1Corenthians:2:14: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1Corenthians:3:19: For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
Again I encourage you to contact me off line so we can discuss at more legnth.
so what your saying is that im to put my faith in god rather than understand him? isnt that how a relationship is formed.yes everyone sins including christians,but god knew all of this before he created he made a heaven ,hell,and earth.he knows exactly how many people are going to go to each place from start to sorry im just not getting it.ill keep reaserching.thanks
While it is possible to understand much about God and His attributes We, as humans, do not even have the ability to completely understand each other, much less the almighty, infinite Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is one built upon faith Ephesians 2:8 & 9 say it like this;
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
We are not saved by our understanding but by faith in Jesus. Our own understanding will always fail us Jesus never will. I am praying for you.
God does not force anyone to choose against their own will. His choice is for you to go to Heaven, so if you go to Hell it will be because of your choice to reject Jesus' payment for your sin. Yes, God knew that you might reject Jesus, and so a better question to ask is, "If He knew some would reject Jesus and go to Hell, then why would He send Jesus to die for mankind to begin with?" Because to God, you were worth the risk! Jesus would rather suffer for your sins in your place, if it meant you might choose to call on Him to save you and accept the payment He made for you on your behalf.
Yes He knows the end of your life, but He doesn't choose it for you. One of the greatest gifts He gave to you and me was a "free will". And He did not leave us hopeless or in the dark on how to be forgiven. He paid the price for us, and then had it written word-for-word for us (the KJ Bible).
One last thought: If you could figure God out, He wouldn't be much of a God worth believing in or following. I'm glad that the one and only God of all creation is smarter than you and me... put together.
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