The Bible tells us in I Peter 3:11 that we are to “eschew evil, and do good” but we are seeing a redefining of what is good and evil in our society. One of the many things I love about my Bible is that it is black & white on the issues of sin, God never leaves us guessing about what he expects from us. The problem is that prideful man does not like being told when they are wrong. So to avoid what they perceive as an accusatory finger they redefine sin by their own understanding;
What Hillary calls a “miss-speak”, God calls a lie.
When Obama says “that’s just how black churches act”, God calls it racism and hate.
What McCain calls “reaching across the aisle”, God calls compromising the Word of God.
What the abortionists call “a women’s right to choose”, God calls murder
What the youth call “making-out”, God calls fornication.
What the schools teach as “self-worth”, God calls sinful pride
In short we can call sin anything we want but in the end the result is the same. Romans 3:26 says, “The wages of sin is death”. Wages are what we earn or deserve. But the good news of the gospel is that there is also a free gift from God – Jesus Christ. This gift can save anyone even a politician who has made a life and built a platform on sin. Where sin causes death Jesus brings life. Where sin tears apart Jesus reunites. Jesus told us “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Won’t you accept him as your savior today?
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