It should every Christian's desire to be constantly growing
closer to God. An active prayer life, consistent Bible reading and Church
attendance are the foundations of Spiritual Growth. I want to share with you
six things that I think will help you grow even more in 2015! This is not a complete list and I would love
to hear your suggestions as to what should be added. Have a wonderful and
blessed year!
1. Lose the Pride
James 4:6 “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God
resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”
One of the biggest things holding back Spiritual Growth in
Christians is their refusal to ask for help. Men, in particular, seem to see asking for
help as a weakness when actually it is a sign of wisdom and strength. None of
us are able to do it alone, we all need help. Help from the church, help from
loved ones and most importantly, help from God. Get out of the way and let the
Holy Spirit do His work in your life. Let Him lead you and empower you.
James 4:6 tells us that “God resisteth the proud”, let that
sink in. God does not ignore the proud He actively works against them. Life is
hard enough with fighting with God along the way. Lose the pride and let God be
2. Start Serving
Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV) “And he gave some, apostles; and
some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ:”
We are all created on purpose and for a purpose. What is
your purpose? One of the quickest ways to find your purpose is to start serving
anywhere in the Church. Once you show your desire to serve God He will quickly
show you if where you are serving is the right place or not. Step out and make
the commitment to serve by serving.
Don’t confuse serving man with serving God. God’s work flows
through the local, not above it or around it. Be cautious of “para-ministries”
that operate outside of God’s ordained institution of the local church. More
often than not, man’s plans for you are not God’s plans for you.
3. Love like God
1 John 4:19 states, “We love him, because he first loved
Love to the World is intangible. Poets and authors have been
trying to nail down what love is for thousands of years, with little success. God nailed down what love is on the cross of
Calvary, where His Son sacrificed Himself for you. God’s love is tangible.
To love like God we must also make our love real. Anybody
can talk about love, but to love like God love must be expressed. We can’t love
sitting the pew we must get up and go out into our communities. Pray and look
for opportunities to show God’s love. Seek out the shut-ins and the hungry. Go
beyond your neighborhood and take Christ’s love to the world by making plans to
join your church on a short term foreign mission trip.
1 John 4:8 (KJV) “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for
God is love.”
4. Let it go
Matthew 6:14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their
trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
I am one of the few people who have yet to see the Disney
movie Frozen. Nerveless, despite my best
efforts, I have not been able to avoid it’s theme song “Let it Go”. There is a
lot of theology in that simple phrase.
Has someone hurt you or someone you love – Let it go
Were you fired for something that wasn’t your fault – Let it go
Has someone talked about you behind your back – Let it go
Were you fired for something that wasn’t your fault – Let it go
Has someone talked about you behind your back – Let it go
This year make a habit of forgiving others. Living in a
state of unforgiveness will destroy your Spiritual Growth, damage your other
relationships and even damage your health. All the while doing nothing to the
person you are holding the grudge against.
Forgiving someone doesn’t let that person off the hook for
their bad deeds; it simply moves the vengeance from your heart and into God’s
hands where it should have been in the first place. Also, forgiving someone
doesn’t mean that you have to restore relations with them. God does not intend
for you to live in a situation where you will be repeatedly hurt. It’s ok to
forgive and still eliminate someone from your life.
5. Unplug from distraction
Hebrews 12:2 (KJV) "Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of
Technology is great at distracting us from Jesus. I wonder
what would happen if we all focused on Jesus before Facebook? Or if we spent as
much time in prayer as we do watching TV? Technology is neither good nor bad,
it is a tool, and it’s how we use it that determines whether it is good or bad
in our lives.
Plan some time every day to unplug from the world and look
to Jesus.
6. Stand
Ephesians 6:13 (KJV) “Wherefore take unto you the whole
armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand.”
It’s easy to stand with God when everything is going how you
planned, but what about when everything is crashing down around you? If you
have taken the time to set your goals with God then don’t let the storms of
life through you off course. Every season comes with challenges. Circumstances will
change, but God never will. When things get rough, stand. When you feel like
giving up, stand. When the world turns against you, stand. Stay the course, Stand.
The prize is worth it all.
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