Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Spiritual Triathalon - Part 1

Do you want to start off this year in a relationship with Jesus that is closer than you could ever imagine? Then “run” with me as I “run” my Spiritual Triathlon! A traditional triathlon is comprised of running, swimming, and biking our Spiritual Triathlon will comprise three spiritual events, prayer, scripture reading, and meditation.

The first step to running a successful triathlon is to get your heart checked out by a doctor and in our Spiritual Triathlon it will be necessary to have the Great Physician take a close look at the condition of your heart as well. What is the condition of your heart? In order to successfully run the race you will need a heart that has been totally turned over to Jesus, you have allowed him to come into your heart and forgive you of you sins. With that taken care of some other things to keep in mind as you train are;

1. Start slow and build – Most of us could not get up right now and go run a marathon, we recognize that we are not physically able without lots of training to complete such an endeavor. The same is true with our spiritual events. If you are not already an avid Bible reader it is impractical to think that you can sit down and read it for an hour on your first day.

2. Monitor you progress – Keep a diary of you progress as you go. This is good for looking back on you progress and keeping you motivated when the going gets tough.

3. Don’t quit – Persistence is what separates the successful from weak. What would have happened if Noah had gotten tired of building the ark and quit halfway through? Or if Paul had given up planting churches because ha was tired of the persecutions?

4. When you stumble get back up – Notice I said when not if. There will come a day when something keeps you from your training, don’t let this be the end of your training, just start again where you left off the next day.

Good luck, I am praying for you to be successful. Tomorrow we will look at our first event – Prayer.

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